Band Applications are open 2020

03 Apr 2020

The Balstock 2020 band applications are open!!!
Don’t dilly dally, get right on it, what else you got going on??? If you know a musician or band you think should be at Balstock send them the link. But, bands, make sure you’re all free that weekend before applying. We’ll close off applications 31st of May.
Balstock 2020 is (fingers crossed) being held in Baldock town, Herts, on the 11th, 12th and 13th of September. It’s a completely free music festival, run by volunteers, in aid of local charities and causes. We provide bands with as much equipment as we can and ask publicans and venue owners to provide drinks. Eazy Squeezy
We want to see all the genres; Pop, Metal, Dance, Rock, Acoustic, Git-surfing, Reggae, DJs, Country (*groans*), Blues, Burlesque, Cornish Guilt, Ska, Poets and maybe even kazoo orchestras!
“But what about this thing that’s going on?!?” As far as we know September is a safe amount of time away, so we’ll carry on organising regardless. It’s costs nothing to apply and if it comes to the worse case we’ll just have to postpone for next year. No Biggie.
Like, share and love each other xx

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